Tag: ice cream

Our ice cream year

2015 got off to a great start with the arrival of the first of January, which we had safely predicted.

We then hit the headlines with our ‘Buttery Bombshell’, as STV described it. We’d only gone and made ice cream with butteries. Some people were outraged, like the Daily Mail where we ended up on the same page as Kim Kardashian and home secretary Theresa May, neither of whom had done anything remotely clever with butteries.

Despite the odd critic, anyone who tasted our Wowee Rowie / Lovely Buttery ice cream gave it the thumbs up. Plus we got to blether about our breakfast-pudding mash-up on the radio.

Next up were the National Ice Cream awards where we were recognised not because we’d been in the Daily Mail, but for the quality of our ice cream. We received a number of Merits and, best of all, our Dairy Vanilla placed fourth in the UK.

A series of bests

With spring in full swing, we made our debut at the North Hop food and drink festival in Aberdeen, taking our place alongside the likes of BrewDog, Fresh Revolution and Aye Love Real Food. We particularly enjoyed feeding our cask-strength whisky ice cream to a contingent of Norwegians and were delighted when one food blogger declared Stew ‘n’ Drew’s ‘some of the best ice cream I’ve ever had in my life’.

The best day of our year was undoubtedly July 1st when we opened the doors of our first ice-cream shop in Hopeman. It also happened to be the hottest day of the year. We couldn’t have scripted it better as the TV cameras turned up and Stew and Drew were beamed into living rooms across the country, causing anyone who knew them to nearly choke on their supper.

Another 2015 highpoint was our nomination for Best New Business at the Highlands & Islands Food & Drink Awards. It was fantastic to receive such early recognition for our efforts and we duly got suited up – kilted up in Stew’s case – for the gala dinner in Inverness, which was a proud night for the pair of us.

We were also thrilled to see The List magazine include us in their Best of 2015 for Scottish food and drink. Referring to us as ‘the ambitious duo’, they majored on the buttery ice cream.

New inventions

What else happened this year? Well, the Stew ‘n’ Drew’s ice-cream bike graced lots of weddings and galas. We impressed top Scottish food writer Sue Lawrence, who described our ice cream as ‘delish’. We made a Lego replica of our Hopeman ice-cream shop.

We invented Stewsday and Drewsday, two additional days of the week that can only be accessed with one of those time-bending watches you can buy in Argos. Oh, and a man travelled all the way from France to eat our ice cream. C’est vrai!

We made Green Apple & Wasabi ice cream, which got right up folks’ noses, but in a good way. We made Fig & Honey, Chocolate Pretzel, Mango & Elderberry, Peanut Butter & Jam, Key Lime Pie, German Chocolate Cake, Scottish Tablet, Cherry Chocolate, Eton Mess… and Superman, our most popular flavour of the year.

The Stew ‘n’ Drew’s range now numbers more than 90 flavours and, as well as the shop in Hopeman, our luxury dairy ice cream is supplied to hotels, restaurants, parlours, cafes and delis from Aberdeen to Cromarty.

What will 2016 hold? Hoverboards, surely. And further adventures in ice cream. Merry Christmas ice-cream lovers and all the best for the year ahead.

Granite City goodness

The Stew ‘n’ Drew’s bandwagon rolled into Aberdeen recently for what was a big weekend for us in the Granite City.

Our ice cream hit the Cones and Candy ice cream parlour in Westhill for the first time – where you can now choose from dozens of our flavours – and there was our appearance at the North Hop festival at the Lemon Tree.

We brought along the ice cream bike and blackboard for this day-long celebration of food, drink and live music. As you can see from the blackboard, we pushed the boundaries somewhat with our offerings.

Wowie Rowie went down well with an Aberdeen audience while Green Apple & Wasabi proved a hot ticket. First to run out was the Whisky (Mental) which is our ice cream made with cask-strength whisky. One spoonful and we even had one customer swearing at us. In a good way.

Roll with it

We were reared on butteries, or rowies as some call them. Or the Scottish croissant as no one calls them. This breakfast staple of the north-east is a splendid delicacy and so we have made ice cream with it.

Some have said this was a ridiculous thing to do. Others claimed it was just plain wrong. Well, now that we’ve launched our Lovely Buttery (or Wowie Rowie) ice cream into the world, we reckon the proof is in the pudding and that it wasn’t such a crazed idea after all.

Don’t knock it till you’ve scoffed it.

5 ice cream anagrams

Mice race
Ace crime
Mice care
Mace rice
i.e. ace Mr C.

Only one of these anagrams was a member of The Shamen and could move ANY mountain.

Tasty licks and Jedi mind tricks

We make Stew ‘n’ Drew’s ice cream with a variety of small-batch freezers, but the one we have a real soft spot for is the Giusti (pictured above). Small and reliable, it is the R2-D2 of ice cream machines.

Just yesterday we powered it up to create a fresh batch of our Traditional Vanilla. Then, out of the blue, it bleeped and projected a flickering hologram of a tiny Princess.

There she was, standing on the freshly-scrubbed floor of our ice cream factory, clasping her hands together and saying repeatedly: ‘Help me Stew ‘n’ Drew, you’re my only hope’.

Two seconds later, there was a knock on the door. Drew went and answered it – Stew was busy chatting to the Princess – and was met by the equally surprising sight of a wee green guy in robes, licking a cone.

‘Great ice cream you make,’ said the wee green guy, introducing himself as Yoda.

‘Cheers Yoda,’ replied Drew.

Things then got really weird when the milk lorry turned up but instead of the usual driver it was an intergalactic smuggler who went by the name of Han Solo.

In the passenger seat was what can only be described as a Wookiee. Chewbacca let out a yowl so we fed him some ice cream.

We then jumped in the back of the milk lorry – number plate M1LNM FLCN – and spent the rest of the day driving around Moray and much of the galaxy battling the Empire.

By tea-time, we’d triumphed.

Turns out the Force is strong in Stew ‘n’ Drew and that we’re ice cream Jedis. Who’d have thought it?

May the Force be with you too, people of impeccable taste.

Great things to do with ice cream #2

Cookie Sliders

1. Take some of your favourite cookies along with a 1/2 litre tub of Stew ‘n’ Drew’s Traditional Vanilla.

Cookies and ice cream

2. Cut the 1/2 litre tub into slices. Remember to remove the packaging from the side of your ice cream slices!

Slicing ice cream

3. Place your ice cream slices between your cookies. Enjoy!

Cookie sliders

Great things to do with ice cream #1

The Coke Float

Grab a tall glass and fill it with coke (we recommend Bon Accord Bona-Cola but other brands will do). Now add a couple of scoops of Stew ‘n’ Drew’s ice cream.

Congratulations, you have in your hands a Coke Float. They used to be all the rage, you know. Now that you’ve just played a small but vital role in their long-overdue comeback, celebrate the revival of the Coke Float by downing it in a one-er. Cheers!

Ice cream cavalcade

To us north-east boys, STV was always Grampian. We didn’t have Glen Michael’s Cartoon Cavalcade, like Central Belt viewers. But we did have Kennedy Thomson introducing Chartburn, Frank Gilfeather reading the sports news on North Tonight and adverts for the Bon Accord Centre.

Anyway, where were we? Oh yes, STV recently interviewed Stew ‘n’ Drew. We talked about our journey so far and our aims for 2015. There are mentions too of our forthcoming appearance at the North Hop festival in Aberdeen and ‘beer ice cream’.

STV call us the ‘Ice Boys’ and we like that. Makes us sound like rappers. Nice rappers, mind.

Read the nice article about the Ice Boys

Sign of things to come

Ice cream a-hoy! The Stew ‘n’ Drew’s website is GO.

Above is our sign. We’re thinking of treating it like the Bat-signal. The idea is that your town would receive one of our distress signal devices, which you would project on the sky whenever you were in need of Stew ‘n’ Drew’s ice cream. Then we’d ride to the rescue on our ice cream bike and save the day with a timely cone.

The world needs ice cream superheroes. That’s the plan anyway.

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